Tuesday, December 23, 2008

New DC Presidency

I am very desperate for something to blog about, so I will name the Oak Creek Ward DC Presidency.

  1. Pres. Preston Parmenter
  2. 1st Counselor Jared Willhite
  3. 2nd Counselor Brady Parmenter ( that's me!)
  4. Secretary Reed Farrar


  1. Wow, Brady, you are quite the talented blogger. Another skill to add to your growing list of talents!! I'm glad to see that Jared was mentioned in your blog. That makes him sort of famous. Keep up the good work. I'll be checking back for updates.

  2. You should get Jared hooked on blogging. It is a very addicting past time.

  3. Sorry that comment posted by Alison was me but my mom was on her email so just a heads up.

  4. I can barely get Jared to check his email, but I'll have him check your blog out and maybe he will give it a try.

